The Eight is StMarkATL’s second Sunday service beginning at 11:30am.

Our main service is the divine liturgy from 9-11am

Your children can benefit from our great children and youth programs called ‘Kids at the Eight.’ It is for kids ages pre-school through middle school. High schoolers can attend our high school life group. These kid and teen programs all happen at the same time as the Eight.


Just as The number 7 symbolizes a whole complete number (ex: 7 days complete a week), the number eight reflects the beginning of something new. Throughout history, people have found the number eight to point to new beginnings. Examples found in Jewish and Christian Scripture include include there being 8 people on Noah's Ark who began new life (2 Peter 2:5) and God made 8 covenants with Abraham in order to build a new relationship with him.

The city of Atlanta is occupied by packed office buildings, traffic, and high-rises full of disconnected people who are aching for more in life.  The call to carry the True Light to our world applies to us just as much as it did to the early Christians. And we have been entrusted to continue to bring His Light not only to our lives but to our city of Atlanta. 

The goal of the Eight is for all of us to live for a higher purpose. We strive to reset and renew our lives with the love of Christ and build an intimate relationship with Him as the early Christians and apostles did.


IN CASE YOU MISSED IT. . .Past Series at The Eight

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