Life Groups

Life groups are one of many forms of worship. Growing toward the fullness of life, Jesus, requires us to grow in rows by attending Liturgical worship, while we grow in circles by surrounding ourselves with the right godly community to bring Christian life concepts to reality and uncover ways to apply those concepts in our work and family life.


Click the links below to sign up for your preferred location, day, and time.

Sundays in church @ 2:00pm

Mondays on Zoom @ 6:30pm

Tuesdays in Roswell/ Alpharetta @ 7pm

Wednesdays in church @ 7:30pm -(College only)

Wednesdays in church @ 6:30pm (21-32yo LYF Group)

Thursdays in church @ 7:30pm

Thursdays in Smyrna/ Vinings @7pm

Saturdays in church (AFC) @ 7:15pm

What are Life Groups?

Life groups meet instrumental and interpersonal needs. They pool resources, support and strengthen the believers. Life Groups meet weekly for a season (4-6 times) and participate in key essentials to support our spiritual growth:

·      Bible/Spiritual Study

·      Praying together and for each other

·      Fellowship

·      Service/care

Why Life Groups?

“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.”  Acts 2:42

We are who we spend time with most and what we practice. Life groups are a place where spiritual gifts can be discovered and utilized to benefit the group itself, the church as a whole and to show the love of Christ to the world around us.

Which Life Group Should I Attend?

For now, all life groups will be discussing the same topics in different locations. Make your selection based on where you are most likely to attend. If driving is your biggest concern and deterrent from going out on weekday evenings, then select the life group closest to your house/work. Commit yourself to where you know you will attend every week.  

What If I Attend A Life Group And Later I Wish To Change It?

Life Groups topics/series are 4 to 6 weeks long. Once a round ends, you can choose to leave the group. However, it is preferred that you eventually select a Life Group where you get plugged in long term to allow for spiritual growth to occur, develop accountability partners and be comfortable sharing life challenges.