
Join us on Sundays!

For 2,000 years, followers of Jesus celebrated the Divine Liturgy and we continue the same service that Jesus gave His disciples till today.

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The Eight

Our post liturgy service, called The Eight, is a more casual atmosphere to renew and reset life. The Eight begins at 11:18AM on Sundays with coffee, refreshments, music and a message you can apply to your life.

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The Latest @ The Eight: Sept 23 - Oct 4

What does 'fullness of life' mean anyway?? Join us at The Eight for a new 4-Part Series as we dive into the mission and core values of StMarkATL.

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Kids @ The Eight

Kids @ The Eight is St. Mark's children's ministry program which begins at 11:10 am and runs to 12:30 pm.

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Life Groups

Here is some description text. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique facilisis habitant. Nunc cursus erat ut neque facilisis, pellentesque vel fringilla neque. 

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Building Project

Here is some description text. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique facilisis habitant. Nunc cursus erat ut neque facilisis, pellentesque vel fringilla neque. 

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